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a room was partitioned off

  • 1 partition

    pə'tiʃən 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) skille(vegg)
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) deling, skille
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) dele opp/av/fra
    subst. \/pɑːˈtɪʃ(ə)n\/, \/pəˈtɪʃ(ə)n\/
    1) deling, oppdeling, inndeling
    2) del, andel (om aksjer e.l.)
    3) (avdelt) rom
    4) skillevegg (også overført eller botanikk), mellomvegg, skillemur
    5) ( jus) skifte
    6) ( musikk) partitur
    7) ( EDB) partisjon
    verb \/pɑːˈtɪʃ(ə)n\/, \/pəˈtɪʃ(ə)n\/
    1) dele, dele opp
    2) skille (at)
    partition off dele av, skille fra, avdele

    English-Norwegian dictionary > partition

  • 2 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) skillevæg
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) deling
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) opdele
    * * *
    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) skillevæg
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) deling
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) opdele

    English-Danish dictionary > partition

  • 3 partition

    1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) tabique
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) partición, división

    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) dividir, tabicar, partir
    1 (act) partición nombre femenino, división nombre femenino
    2 (wall) tabique nombre masculino; (screen) mampara
    1 partir, dividir
    partition [pər'tɪʃən, pɑr-] vt
    : dividir
    to partition off (a room): dividir con un tabique
    1) distribution: partición f, división f, reparto m
    2) divider: tabique m, mampara f, biombo m
    asignación s.f.
    división s.f.
    partición s.f.
    partija s.f.
    tabique s.m.
    dividir v.
    repartir v.

    I pər'tɪʃən, pɑːr-, pɑː'tɪʃən
    1) c
    a) ( screen) tabique m

    a glass partitionuna mampara de vidrio or (Esp) de cristal

    b) ( divider) separador m
    2) u c (of country, territory) división f, partición f

    a) \<\<country/territory\>\> dividir
    b) \<\<room/corridor\>\> dividir con un tabique/con una mampara
    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (=wall) tabique m
    2) (Pol) partición f, división f
    2. VT
    1) (=divide) [+ country] partir, dividir; (=share) repartir ( among entre)
    2) [+ room, area] tabicar, dividir con tabiques
    * * *

    I [pər'tɪʃən, pɑːr-, pɑː'tɪʃən]
    1) c
    a) ( screen) tabique m

    a glass partitionuna mampara de vidrio or (Esp) de cristal

    b) ( divider) separador m
    2) u c (of country, territory) división f, partición f

    a) \<\<country/territory\>\> dividir
    b) \<\<room/corridor\>\> dividir con un tabique/con una mampara
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > partition

  • 4 partition

    I [pɑː'tɪʃn]
    1) (in room, house) parete f. divisoria, tramezzo m.
    2) pol. (of country) divisione f., spartizione f.
    3) dir. (of property) divisione f., ripartizione f.
    II [pɑː'tɪʃn]
    2) pol. dividere, spartire [ country]
    3) dir. dividere, ripartire [ property]
    * * *
    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) tramezzo, parete divisoria
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) spartizione, divisione
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) dividere (in parti)
    * * *
    partition /pɑ:ˈtɪʃn/
    n. [cu]
    1 partizione; ripartizione; spartizione: the partition of India, la spartizione dell'India
    2 sezione; scomparto
    3 (edil. = partition wall) parete divisoria; tramezzo: a folding partition, una parete a soffietto
    5 (comput.) partizione
    ● (polit.) the partition of power, la divisione dei poteri.
    (to) partition /pɑ:ˈtɪʃn/
    v. t.
    1 dividere in parti; ripartire; spartire
    3 (comput.) partizionare
    to partition off a room, tramezzare una stanza.
    * * *
    I [pɑː'tɪʃn]
    1) (in room, house) parete f. divisoria, tramezzo m.
    2) pol. (of country) divisione f., spartizione f.
    3) dir. (of property) divisione f., ripartizione f.
    II [pɑː'tɪʃn]
    2) pol. dividere, spartire [ country]
    3) dir. dividere, ripartire [ property]

    English-Italian dictionary > partition

  • 5 partition

    1. noun
    1) (Polit.) Teilung, die
    2) (room divider) Trennwand, die
    3) (section of hall or library) Abteilung, die; Bereich, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) (divide) aufteilen [Land, Zimmer]
    2) (Polit.) teilen [Land]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/89849/partition_off">partition off
    * * *
    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) die Trennwand
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) die Teilung
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) teilen
    * * *
    [pɑ:ˈtɪʃən, AM pɑ:rˈ-]
    I. n
    1. no pl POL Teilung f
    2. (structure) Trennwand f, Raumteiler m
    3. COMPUT (part of hard disk) Partition f
    4. LAW Grundstückstellung f, Parifizierung f ÖSTERR
    5. CHEM
    \partition chromatography no pl Verteilungschromatografie f
    \partition law Verteilungsgesetz nt
    II. vt
    1. POL
    to \partition sth etw [auf]teilen
    to \partition a country ein Land teilen
    to \partition sth etw [unter]teilen
    to \partition a room ein Zimmer aufteilen
    3. COMPUT (divide disk)
    to \partition sth etw partitionieren
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Teilung f
    2) (= wall) Trennwand f
    3) (= section) Abteilung f
    4) (COMPUT) Partition f
    2. vt
    1) country teilen, spalten; room aufteilen
    2) (COMPUT) partitionieren
    * * *
    partition [pɑː(r)ˈtıʃn]
    A s
    1. (Ver-, Auf)Teilung f:
    the first partition of Poland die erste Teilung Polens
    2. JUR (Erb)Auseinandersetzung f
    3. Trennung f, Absonderung f
    4. Scheide-, Querwand f, Fach n (im Schrank etc):
    partition wall Trennwand;
    wall of partition fig Trennungslinie f
    5. ARCH (Bretter)Verschlag m
    B v/t
    1. (ver-, auf)teilen
    2. JUR eine Erbschaft auseinandersetzen
    3. partition off abteilen, abtrennen
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (Polit.) Teilung, die
    2) (room divider) Trennwand, die
    3) (section of hall or library) Abteilung, die; Bereich, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) (divide) aufteilen [Land, Zimmer]
    2) (Polit.) teilen [Land]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Abteil -ungen n.
    Partition f.
    Partitionierung f.
    Teil m.,n.
    Teilbereich m.
    Teilung -en (Mathematik) f.
    Teilung -en f.
    Trennwand f.
    Untergliederung f.
    Zwischenwand f.

    English-german dictionary > partition

  • 6 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) divisória
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) divisão
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) dividir
    * * *
    [pa:t'iʃən] n 1 partição, divisão, separação. 2 tabique, parede-meia. 3 seção, parte. 4 partilha, repartição. • vt 1 dividir, separar. 2 repartir, partilhar. to partition off separar com tabiques.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > partition

  • 7 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) pregrada
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) delitev
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) predeliti
    * * *
    I [pa:tíšən]
    delitev, ločitev, pregrada, oddelek, vmesni zid, požarni zid; juridically delitev (dedilčine)
    II [pa:tíšən]
    transitive verb
    razdeliti na kose, razkosati, oddeliti, pregraditi; juridically razdeliti dediščino

    English-Slovenian dictionary > partition

  • 8 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) skipting, skilveggjur, þil
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) skipting
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) skipta, deila; stúka niður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > partition

  • 9 partition

    szétválasztás, válaszfal, elkülönítés, felosztás to partition: szétoszt, szétválaszt
    * * *
    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) válaszfal
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) szétválasztás
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) szétválaszt

    English-Hungarian dictionary > partition

  • 10 partition

    n. bölme, ayırma, taksim etme
    v. bölmek, parçalara ayırmak, ayırmak
    * * *
    1. kısımlara ayır (v.) 2. kısımlara ayırma (n.) 3. paylaştır (v.) 4. paylaştırma (n.)
    * * *
    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) bölme
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) bölünme, parçalanma
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) bölme ile ayırmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > partition

  • 11 partition

    • osittelu
    • ositus
    • osittaminen (tilan)
    • osio
    • osittaa
    • jakaa
    • jakaa partitioihin
    • jako
    • jakaja
    • jakaminen
    • jyvitys
    • väliseinä
    • jäähyväiset
    • halkominen
    • partitioida
    • partitio
    • lokero
    • lohkoa
    * * *
    pə'tiʃən 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) väliseinä, särmi
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) jako
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) jakaa

    English-Finnish dictionary > partition

  • 12 partition

    [pɑː'tɪʃən] 1. n
    (wall, screen) przepierzenie nt; ( of country) podział m; ( among foreign powers) rozbiór m
    2. vt
    * * *
    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) przegroda, ścianka
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) rozbiór
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) oddzielić

    English-Polish dictionary > partition

  • 13 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) šķērssiena
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) sadalīšana
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) sadalīt; atdalīt
    * * *
    nodalīšana, sadalīšana, atdalīšana; šķērssiena; nodalījums; nodalīt, atdalīt, sadalīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > partition

  • 14 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) pertvara, sienelė
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) padalijimas, suskaldymas
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) atitverti, perdalyti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > partition

  • 15 partition

    n. delning; avdelning; skiljevägg; dela; avskilja; en del av lagringsenheten på en hårddisk (data)
    v. dela; avdela, avskilja
    * * *
    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) skiljevägg
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) delning
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) dela []

    English-Swedish dictionary > partition

  • 16 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) přepážka
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) rozdělení
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) rozdělit, přepažit
    * * *
    • příčka
    • rozdělení
    • sekce
    • segment
    • oddíl

    English-Czech dictionary > partition

  • 17 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) priečka
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) rozdelenie
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) rozdeliť, prehradiť
    * * *
    • úsek
    • cast
    • rozklad
    • rozdelenie
    • partícia

    English-Slovak dictionary > partition

  • 18 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) perete/geam despăr­ţitor
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) împărţire, separare
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) a împărţi

    English-Romanian dictionary > partition

  • 19 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) χώρισμα
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) διχοτόμηση
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) χωρίζω

    English-Greek dictionary > partition

  • 20 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) cloison
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) partage
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) partager

    English-French dictionary > partition

См. также в других словарях:

  • partition off — verb divide into parts, pieces, or sections The Arab peninsula was partitioned by the British • Syn: ↑partition • Derivationally related forms: ↑partitionist (for: ↑partition), ↑partition ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • partition off — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms partition off : present tense I/you/we/they partition off he/she/it partitions off present participle partitioning off past tense partitioned off past participle partitioned off to separate an area from the… …   English dictionary

  • Oyster Bay History Walk — The Oyster Bay History Walk is a path through downtown Oyster Bay, New York that leads the walker to 30 historic sites. It is a 1 mile loop and is the first certified American Heart Association Start! Walking Path on Long Island.[1] Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • partition — par|ti|tion1 [ par tıʃn ] noun 1. ) count a wall, screen, or piece of glass used to separate one area from another in a room or vehicle 2. ) uncount the process of dividing a country into two or more separate countries: the partition of the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Norfolk, Virginia — Norfolk   Independent city   Downtown Norfolk skyline, Chrysler Museum of Art, Ocean View Fishing Pier, The Tide light rail …   Wikipedia

  • California Zephyr — Infobox Amtrak style=Amtrak name = California Zephyr | logo filename = logo size = logo caption = image size = 300 image caption = Having just arrived in Galesburg, Illinois, Train No. 5 mdash; the California Zephyr , led by GE Genesis P42DC… …   Wikipedia

  • Brockville Collegiate Institute — Infobox Education in Canadaname = Brockville Collegiate Institute imagesize = motto = motto translation = streetaddress = 90 Pearl Street East. city = Brockville province = Ontario postalcode = K6V 1P8 url =… …   Wikipedia

  • Joel N. Cornish House — Joel N.Cornish House U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

  • Joubert Park, Gauteng — Joubert Park is a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. It is located in Region 8. The suburb shares its name with the largest park in the Central Business District, which is located a few blocks from from the main train station for the city… …   Wikipedia

  • India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… …   Universalium

  • international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… …   Universalium

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